Monday, March 29, 2010

Different Is Good

Work isn't high school (well, hopefully not often). Being like everyone else is overrated. Different is good.

Different presents a clear choice. Imagine your potential client is a rock music-loving, baseball-obsessed, serious foodie starting a new company. Which attorney, accountant or consultant do you think he'd talk to first?

The one who has done over 100 start-ups.

The one who has done over 100 start-ups and mentions listening to a new band that weekend.

The one who has done over 100 start-ups, mentions listening to a new band that weekend and weaves baseball references into his/her materials.

The one who has done over 100 start-ups, mentions listening to a new band that weekend, weaves baseball references into his/her materials and can debate the difference between arugula and radicchio.

Yep, different—as long as it’s genuine—stands out. Go for it.

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